Bata curta Fátima-Rosa-XS-RAG-Tailors-Fardas-e-Uniformes-Vestuario-Pro
Bata curta Fátima-Verde-XS-RAG-Tailors-Fardas-e-Uniformes-Vestuario-Pro
Bata curta Fátima-Azul Celeste-XS-RAG-Tailors-Fardas-e-Uniformes-Vestuario-Pro

Rag AR

short coat Fatima

Availability: In Stock
Regular price $34.00
Short, short-sleeved gown with a V-neck, left breast pocket, two front pockets and closed with visible pill buttons. Loose piece with side openings. Made of light blue, green or pink striped fabric,...
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