Sapatilha Baixa de Segurança S3 HRO SRC-Preto/Azul-40 EU-RAG-Tailors-Fardas-e-Uniformes-Vestuario-Pro
Sapatilha Baixa de Segurança S3 HRO SRC-RAG-Tailors-Fardas-e-Uniformes-Vestuario-Pro
Sapatilha Baixa de Segurança S3 HRO SRC-RAG-Tailors-Fardas-e-Uniformes-Vestuario-Pro
Sapatilha Baixa de Segurança S3 HRO SRC-RAG-Tailors-Fardas-e-Uniformes-Vestuario-Pro


S3 HRO SRC Low Safety Shoe

Availability: In Stock
Regular price £168.00
CAT safety shoes that combine maximum protection with exceptional comfort. Ideal for professionals who value safety without compromising style and well-being during long working hours. Main Benefits Lightweight, ergonomic design...
Color: Black blue
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